10 Best Healthy Protein Foods.
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Protein is made up of Amino Acids and it daily repairs & build Muscles,Tissues,Skin & Hair.
One must consume a diet which is high in Protein & balanced with Carbs & Fats.One must take the protein (2g/kg) of his body weight.
In this article we will share 10 healthy & high protein foods with you.
10 Healthy Protein Foods:-
3.Whey Protein.
7.Greek Yogurt.
8.Cottage Cheese.
10.Pumpkin Seeds.
Soyabean is species of legumes that grows most in Brazil.It contains very good nutrients.It is very high in protein and one of the most consumed foods in Asia.
Soyabean Benifits:-
•Improves Blood Circulation.
•Prevents neural tube defects.
•Boost Cardiovascular System.
•Keep Body in Healthy Weight.
Soyabean Nutritional Value:-
Calories 446.
•Fat 20g.【Boost Body Energy.】
•Carbohydrate 30g.【Imroves Digestion.】
•Protein 36g.【Repair & Build Tissue.】
•Calcium.【Improves Strength in Bones.】
•Iron.【Iron makes Haemoglobin.】
•Magnesium.【Regulate Blood Pressure.】
Almond are the edible seeds taht grows from Almond Tree and US in the highest producer of Almonds.
One of the best and easy to eat nut according to overall nutrients.
Almond Benifits:-
•Boost the Immune System.
•Helps alot During Pregnancy.
•Prevent Diabetes.
•Reduce Bad Cholesterol.
Almonds Nutritional Value:-
Calories 480.
•Protein 18g.【Helps in building muscle.】
•Fat 42g.【Improves Blood Cholesterol.】
•Carbs 18g.【Controls Appetite.】
•Calcium.【Good for Heart Muscles.】
•Potassium.【Lower Blood Pressure.】
•Phosphorus.【Build Healthy Teeth.】
3.Whey Protein.
Protein Supplement is a dietary supplement that helps to build muscle and increase our body body mass.
You must take Protein Supplement Specially if you are Vegetarian.
Whey Protein Benifits:-
•Highly Digestible.
•Lower Blood Pressure.
•Moderate Blood Sugar Levels.
•Reduce Inflammation Of Skin.
•Promotes Muscle Growth.
Whey Protein Nutritional Value:-
Calories 380.
•Protein 87g.【Build & Repair Muscles.】
•Fat 4g.【Makes Skin Glow.】
•Carbohydrates 2g.【Long-term Energy.】
•Potassium.【Prevents Kidney stones.】
•Sodium.【Regulates Fluid.】
Oats are considered to be the healthiest grains on planet earth.It contain lots of vitamins minerals,nutrients,anti-oxidants & much more.
We can have oats in our morning breakfasts to raise the metabolism up quickly.
Oats Miraculous Benifits:-
•Improves Digestive System.
•Improves Cardiovascular System.
•Lowers the bad Cholesterol.
•Helps To Lose Weight.
Oats Nutritional Value:-
Calories 407.
•Protein 12g.【Prevents Hair Damage.】
•Fats 10g.【Rich in Polysaturated Fat.】
•Carbs 68g.【Reduce risk-heart disease.】
•Sodium.【Prevents Cramps of muscles.】
Eggs are very incredibly healthy.If we eat 2 eggs for 6 Weeks it can increase High Density Lipoprotein (HDl) in our body by 10%.
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is also called as "Good Cholesterol".
Egg Miraculous Benifits:-
•Great Source of Omega-3s.
•Improves our eyesight.
•Reduced Risk of Heart Disease.
•Contains All the Essential Amino Acids.
•Prevents Allergies.
Eggs Nutritional Value:-
Calories 155.
•Protein 13g.【Decelerate aging Process.】
•Fat 11g.【Balance Harmones.】
•Carbohydrates 1g.【Provides Fiber.】
•Vitamin A.【Improves Eye health.】
•Vitamin D.【Strong Bones & Teeth.】
•Calcium.【Boost Fertility.】
Milk is a very good source of high quality Protein.It has essential 9 Amino acids.Milk is packed with high quality nutrients.
Milk Alternatives are:-
Milk Miraculous Benifits:-
•Prevents Osteoporosis.
•Prevents Bone Fractures.
•Boost Immune System.
•Improves Mental State
•Lower Risk Of Diabetes.
Milk Nutritional Value:-
Calories 42.
•Protein 3g.【Boost Metabolism.】
•Fat 1g.【Improves Insulin Sensitivity.】
•Carbs 5g.【Boost Blood Glucose.】
•Calcium.【Correct Mineral Imbalance.】
•Cobalamin.【Used In DNA Synthesis.】
•Magnesium.【Lowers the Risk-Asthma.】
7.Greek Yogurt.
Greek Yogurt is different from the ordinary Yogurt because it removes the extra Lactose,Water & Minerals and left out is the creamy delicious healthy Greek Yogurt.
Greek Yogurt has much more protein than milk.
Greek Yogurt Benifits:-
•Maintains Bowel Regularity.
•Supports Bone Health.
•Fights Depression.
•Controls Blood Pressure.
Greek Yogurt Nutritional Value:-
Calories 59.
•Protein 10g.【Control Sugar Levels.】
•Fat 1g.【Improves Mood.】
•Carbs 3g.【Prevents Muscle Loss.】
•Calcium.【Treat Hypocalcemia.】
•Cobalamin.【Prevents Anemia.】
•Magnesium.【Relieves Insomnia.】
8.Cottage Cheese.
Cottage cheese has a mild flavour made by the draining process.It is high in protein and has many Nutritions as well.
Cottage cheese is made from curd and it is Lactose Free.
Cottage Cheese Benifits:-
•Helps in fetal development.
•Produce Red Good Cells.
•Prevent Constipation.
•Boost Muscle Mass.
Cottage Cheese Nutritional Value:-
Calories 402.
•Protein 25g.【Reduce Appetite.】
•Fat 33g.【Absorb Some Nutrients.】
•Carbohydrates 1g.【Aids In Digestion.】
•Vitamin A.【Important for Vision.】
•Calcium.【Lower Risk of Diabetes.】
•Cobalamin.【Prevent Birth Defects.】
The lentils are an edible legume.It is very cost efficient food item high in Protein and Folate and the greatest producer of Lentil is Canada.
Lentils Benifits:-
•Growth Of Healthy Gut Bacteria.
•Improve Blood Sugar Levels.
•Reduces the risk of Cancer.
•Maintains Good Heart Health.
Lentil Nutritional Value:-
Calories 106.
•Fat 1g.
•Carbohydrates 20g.
•Protein 9g.
•Iron 18%
•Vitamin B-6 10%
•Magnesium 9%
10.Pumpkin Seeds.
Pumpkin Seeds are the small edible seeds of pumpkin which are highly healthy for us.Even Small amount of Pumpkin Seeds has high nutrition value.
Pumpkin Seeds Benifits:-
•Protects us from Diseases.
•Boost Immune System.
•Good for Prostate gland.
•Lowers the Anxiety & Stress.
•Raise the Quality of Sperm.
Pumpkin Seeds Nutritional Value:-
Calories 446.
•Protein 19g. 【Reduces Bad Fat.】
•Fat 19g. 【Suport Cell Growth.】
•Carbs 54g. 【Reduce Bad Cholesterol.】
•Iron.【Improves Concentration.】
•Calcium.【Treats Hyperkalemia.】
•Magnesium. 【Better Sleep.】
-Innfo Hub
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