5 Best Weight Loss Foods

5 Best Weight Loss Foods.

Obesity is the most common problem all over the world and especially in US because of daily consumption of Junk Foods which results in Weight Gain.

If we want to Lose Weight then we should focus on our diet because diet plays 80% role in Losing Weight and the remaining is Cardio Exercise.

Therefore,I have shared with you the 5 Best Healthy Weight Loss Foods to Lose Weight in a Healthy manner.

5 Best Weight Loss Foods:-

5 Best Weight Loss Foods

1.Whole Eggs.

2.Peanut Butter.

3.Dark Chocolates.

4.Greek Yogurt.


1.Whole Eggs.

Whole Eggs Health Benifits

If you are looking for Weight Loss then Eggs in your diet play a major role.Eggs consumption makes you feel satisfied for long time.

Eggs are very incredibly healthy.If we eat 2 eggs for 6 Weeks it can increase High Density Lipoprotein (HDl) in our body by 10%.

High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is also called as "Good Cholesterol".

The best way to Eat Eggs for weight Loss:-
•Always stuck with Low Calorie Method.
•Eat Boiled Eggs with lots of Vegetables.
•Use Healthy Oil while making Omlet.

How many eggs you should eat to lose weight?
This depends on person to person.But in Doctors recommendation you can eat 2-3 Whole Eggs per day to Lose Weight.

Egg Health Benifits:-
•It prevents us from Cataract.
•Balances Scalp Sebum.
•Eggs are free from Gluten.
•Promotes in Weight Loss.

•It Fights the allergies.
•Reduced Risk of Heart Disease.
•Contains All the Essential Amino Acids.
•Prevents Allergies.

Eggs Nutritional Value:-

Calories 155.

•Protein 13g.【Decelerate aging Process.】

•Fat 11g.【Balance Harmones.】

•Carbohydrates 1g.【Provides Fiber.】

•Vitamin A.【Improves Eye health.】

•Vitamin D.【Strong Bones & Teeth.】

•Calcium.【Boost Fertility.】

2.Peanut Butter.

Peanut Butter Health Benifits

Peanut Butter is a delicious paste that made from dry-ground nuts. Peanut Butter contains Oleic acid which improves heart health of a person.

Peanut Butter boost your body metabolism and this will makes you burn more calories thus loosing weight.

Peanut Butter is High in Protein.It decrease your appetite and thus result in maintaining Healthy Weight and prevents Obesity.

How much Peanut Butter should I eat to Lose Weight?
You should eat Two Tablespoon of Peanut Butter with Brown Bread everyday to maintain Healthy Weight.

Peanut Butter Health Benefits:-
•Lowers Risk of Type II Diabetes.
•Helps Weight Loss in Healthy Way.
•Helps in Preventing Inflammation.
•Helps in Creatuon of Antioxidants.

•Helps in Preventing Gallstones.
•Aids in Preventing Cancer.
•Helps in Preventing Alzheimer's Disease.
•Rich in Anti-oxidants Properties.
•Boost Energy in Body.

Peanut Butter Nutritional Value:-

Calories 645.

•Fat 52g.【Detoxification of Body.】

•Carbo 19g.【Lowers Blood Pressure.】

•Protein 25g.【Controls Blood Sugar.】

•Sodium.【Balance Ions in our Body.】

•0 Cholesterol.【No Data.】

3.Dark Chocolates.

Dark Chocolates Health Benifits

Dark Chocolate is good for your health because it is packed with lot of nutrients such as:
98% of the RDA of Manganese.
58% of the RDA for Magnesium.
67% of the RDA for Iron.
89% of the RDA for Copper.
11 grams of Fiber.
Plenty of Potassium,Phosphorous & Zinc.

The Dark Chocolate is made up from Cocoa Tree which is the best source of Antioxidants on planet Earth.

Do not buy Chocolates which is loaded with lots of sugar.These Chocolates can lead to many health problems.

Best Dark Chocolate For Weight Loss:-
1.Theo Chocolate Organic Dark Chocolate.
2.Pure7 Dark Chocolate Bar.
3.Alter Eco Dark Chocolate Bar.
4.Bixby & co. Dark Chocolate Bar.

Dark Chocolate Health Benifits:-
•Helps in Improving Blood Flow.
•Protects the skin against Sunrays.
•Promotes Wight Loss.
•Keeps our Mental State Happy.

•Maintains Healthy Heart.
•Prevents us from Laziness.
•Prevents Premature Grey Hair.
•Boost Immune System.

Dark Chocolate Nutritional Value:-

Calories 600.

•Protein 8g.【Contols the Appetite.】

•Fat 42g. 【Improves Insulin Sensitivity.】

•Carbs 47g.【Improves Digestion.】

•Dietary Fibre 11g.【Lowers Cholesterol.】

•Sugar 24g.【Controls the Cravings.】

4.Greek Yogurt.

Greek Yogurt Health Benifits

Greek Yogurt is different from the ordinary Yogurt because it removes the extra Lactose,Water & Minerals and left out is the creamy delicious healthy Greek Yogurt.

Greek Yogurt has much more protein than milk.

Greek Yogurt gives twice the benifit of Regular Yogurt.Greek Yogurt Protein satisfies our hunger for longer time and hence helps in Weight Loss.

Is Greek Yogurt bad for belly fat?
No.Its not true.
Greek Yogurt control appetite.Greek Yogurt is rich in Calcium and Calcium is linked to Low Abdominal Fat according to research.

Greek Yogurt Health Benifits:-
• Improves Our Digestive System.
•Aids Weight Loss.
•Lowers the Blod Pressure.
•Maintains Oral Health.

•Maintains Bowel Regularity.
•Supports Bone Health.
•Fights Depression. 
•Controls Blood Pressure.

Greek Yogurt Nutritional Value:-

Calories 59.

•Protein 10g.【Control Sugar Levels.】

•Fat 1g.【Improves Mood.】

•Carbs 3g.【Prevents Muscle Loss.】

•Calcium.【Treat Hypocalcemia.】

•Cobalamin.【Prevents Anemia.】

•Magnesium.【Relieves Insomnia.】


Almonds Health Benifits

Almond are the edible seeds that grows from Almond Tree and US in the highest producer of Almonds.One of the best and "Easy To Eat Nut" according to overall nutrients.

Almonds contain very nutritious vitamins & minerals such as:-
Healthy Fat.
Vitamin E.

The Fiber of Almonds makes you feel satiated for longer time thus limiting lots of extra calories and hence promotes Weight Loss.

How many Almonds should you eat for Weight Loss?
According to the particular study from some University.You should eat 25-30 Almonds [1.5 Ounces】everyday to Lose Weight In a Healthy manner.

Is it Ok to eat Raw Almonds?
Yes.It is absolutely Ok to eat Raw Almonds as it is very healthy while Roasted Almonds are less in Antioxidants,Vitamins and Minerals.

Almond Health Benifits:-
•Controls Sugar in Blood.
•Almonds are good during pregnancy.
•Lower Risk Of Heart Disease.
•Rich in Monosaturated Fat.

•Boost the Immune System.
•Helps alot During Pregnancy.
•Prevent Diabetes.
•Reduce Bad Cholesterol.

Almonds Nutritional Value:-

Calories 480.

•Protein 18g.【Helps in building muscle.】

•Fat 42g.【Improves Blood Cholesterol.】

•Carbs 18g.【Controls Appetite.】

•Calcium.【Good for Heart Muscles.】

•Potassium.【Lower Blood Pressure.】

•Phosphorus.【Build Healthy Teeth.】

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1.Weight Loss Tips.

2.Best Ways To Gain Muscle

3.Get Glowing Skin Overnight.

4.10 Best Healthy Protein Foods.

-Innfo Hub


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