5 Vitamin D Foods For Vegetarians.

5 Healthy Vitamin D Foods For Vegetarian

We need Vitamin D to absorb Calcium in our body.Calcium make our bones and teeth strong and healthy.

If we do not take 600 IU of Vitamin D per day then we may suffer from these diseases:-
High Blood Pressure.

It is very difficult for Vegetarians to complete the Daily intake of Vitamin D.Therefore InnfoHub shared with you 5 Healthy Vegan Vitamin D Foods.

5 Healthy Vitamin D Foods For Vegetarian:-

5 Vitamin D Foods For Vegetarian

1.Peanut Butter.

2.Fortified Almond Milk.




1.Peanut Butter.

Best Peanut Butter Brands

Peanut Butter is a delicious paste that made from dry-ground nuts. Peanut Butter contains Oleic acid which improves heart health of a person.

Peanut Butter boost your body metabolism and this will makes you burn more calories thus loosing weight.

Peanut Butter is high in Protein.It decrease your appetite and thus result in maintaining Healthy Weight and prevents Obesity.

Most Popular Peanut Brands:-
Peter Pan Creamy Butter.
Skippy Creamy Peanut Butter.
MaraNatha Organic Peanut Butter.
Teddie Natural Peanut Butter.

Peanut Butter Benefits:-
Lowers Risk of Type II Diabetes.
Helps Weight Loss in Healthy Way.
Helps in Preventing Inflammation.
Helps in Creation of Antioxidants.

Helps in Preventing Gallstones.
Aids in Preventing Cancer.
Helps in Preventing Alzheimer's Disease.
Rich in Anti-oxidants Properties.
Boost Energy in Body.

Peanut Butter Nutritional Value:-

Calories 645.

Fat 52g.【Detoxification of Body.】

Carbs 19g.【Lowers Blood Pressure.】

Protein 25g.【Controls Blood Sugar.】

Sodium.【Balance Ions in our Body.】

0 Cholesterol.【No Data.】

2.Fortified Almond Milk.

Avoid Goitrogenic Foods

Almond are the edible seeds that grows from Almond Tree and US in the highest producer of Almonds.One of the best and easy to eat nut according to overall nutrients.

Although fortified Almond Milk is not as Nutritious as Cow's Milk.But it is great source of Vitamin D.

Homemade Almond milk neither contains Calcium nor Vitamin D.

According to Study Almond milk contains 98 IU of Vitamin D which fulfills the Daily Values to 15%.

Almond Milk contain very nutrientious vitamins and minerals such as:-
Healthy Fat.
Vitamin E.

The Fiber of Almonds makes you feel satiated for longer time thus limiting lots of extra calories and hence promotes Weight Loss.

Almond Benifits:-
Controls Sugar in Blood.
Almonds are good during pregnancy.
Lower Risk Of Heart Disease.
Rich in Monosaturated Fat.

Helps alot During Pregnancy.
Prevent Diabetes.
Reduce Bad Cholesterol.

Almonds Nutritional Value:-

Calories 480. 

Protein 18g.【Helps in building muscle.】

Fat 42g.【Improves Blood Cholesterol.】

Carbs 18g.【Controls Appetite.】

Calcium.【Good for Heart Muscles.】

Potassium.【Lower Blood Pressure.】

Phosphorus.【Build Healthy Teeth.】


Healthy Oatmeal Brands

Oats are considered to be the healthiest grains on planet earth.It contain lots of vitamins minerals,nutrients,anti-oxidants & much more.

We can have oatmeal in our morning breakfast to raise the metabolism quickly.Increase in metabolism can burn your calories more than usual and thus promotes Weight Loss.

According to Study 78 grams of Oatmeal gives you 80-100 IU of Vitamin D that fulfills the 10-12% Of DV.

Best Healthiest Oatmeal Brands:-
Natures Path Organic Oatmeal.
Shiloh Farms Oat Groats.
Quaker Instant Oatmeal.
Purely Elizabeth Oatmeal.

Oats Health Benifits:-
Improves Digestive System.
Improves Cardiovascular System.
Lowers the bad Cholesterol.
Prevents Colon Cancer.

Control Blood Sugar Levels.
Prevent Asthma in children.
Lowers the risk of Type II Diabetes.
Boost the Immune System.

Oats Nutritional Value:-

Calories 407.

Protein 12g.【Prevents Hair Damage.】

Fats 10g.【Rich in Polysaturated Fat.】

Carbs 68g.【Reduce risk-heart disease.】

Sodium.【Prevents Cramps of muscles.】

Facts About Oatmeal.
If you are facing Skin Problems then Oatmeal can help you in maintaining the pH level of Skin.


Edible Mushroom Species

Mushrooms are edible fleshy foods that grow from macrofungi above the ground or on soil.

Mushroom is very rich in high quality nutrients and macronutrient such as proteins vitamins minerals and antioxidants.

According to the study 100g of Mushrooms contain 250 IU of Vitamin D that fulfills the Daily Values to 37%.

Best Edible Mushroom Species:-
Button【White】 Mushrooms.
Cremini【Italian Brown】Mushrooms.
Oyster Mushrooms.

Mushrooms Health Benifits:-
Helps to Fight cancer.
Rich Source of Vitamins B2 & B3.
Boosts Bone Mineral Density.
Improves the Immune System.

Improves Heart Health.
Balance Cholesterol Levels.
May Prevent Breast Cancer.
Prevents Osteoporosis.

Mushroom Nutrition Value:-

Calories 28.

Fat 0.5g.【Gives Body Energy.】

Carbs 5.3g.【Improves Digestion.】

Protein 2.2g.【Repair & Build Tissue.】

Vitamin C.【Keeps Healthy Blood Vessels.】

Calcium.【Improve Strength In Bones.】

Iron.【Iron Makes Haemoglobin.】

Facts About Mushrooms.
There is a species of Mushroom that if women smells it then supposedly can give women instant orgasms.


Healthiest Tofu Brands

Tofu is a condensed form of Soy milk by a particular process.Tofu first made in Japan that's why it is very popular there.

Tofu is a great source of Protein Vitamin D and contain nine essential amino acids.Tofu is a great food for Vegetarians.

Tofu contains all essential Vitamins and Minerals such as:-
Vitamin B1.

According to study Tofu Contains 100 IU of Vitamin D that completes the Daily Values to 16%.

Best Healthiest Tofu Brands:-
Hodo Firm Tofu.
Organic Traditional Tofu.
Wildwood Organic Extra Firm Tofu.
Sunrise Medium Firm Tofu.

Tofu Health Benifits:-
Reduces Risk of Anemia.
Provides Relief from Gout.
Improves Brain Health.
Rich in Calcium & Iron.

Promote Breast Milk.
Helps preventing Liver damage.
Boost the metabolism.
Lowers Risk of Anemia.

Tofu Nutrition Value:-

Calories 76.

Fat 4.8g.【Rich In Polysaturated Fat.】

Carbs 1.9g.【Reduce Risk-Heart Disease.】

Protein 8g.【Prevents Hair Damage.】

Calcium.【Lowers Risk Of Diabetes.】

Iron.【Reduces Body Laziness.】

Magnesium.【Lowers Blood Pressure.】

Facts About Tofu:-
Tofu contains Isoflavones which may prevents the breast cancer and it is about 2000 years Old Food.

If you have thyroid problem then stay away from Goitrogenic Foods like Tofu.

Frequently Asked questions:-

1.How much Peanut Butter should I eat to Lose Weight?

You should eat Two Tablespoon of Peanut Butter with Brown Bread everyday to maintain Healthy Weight.

2.Is Almond milk bad for your thyroid?

If your thyroid is healthy then don't worry to consume Almond milk in your diet.
But if you have any thyroid issues then stay away from Goitrogenic Foods such as:-
Almond Products
Soy Products 

3.Is Oatmeal good for weight loss?

Oatmeal is low-fat and low-calorie food that makes you feel satiated for longer time as  compared to other Foods.

4.Can I eat Mushroom everyday?

As per Doctors recommendation you should eat 4-5 Button Mushrooms everyday to get the most out of it.

5.How often should you eat Tofu?

According to the study you should eat Tofu 2-3 times per week to get the most out of it.

6.Which is your favorite Vitamin D Food?

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